Dec 2, 2016 | Economic Development, Planner Tech, Social Media, Startup, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
The latest PlannerTech column looks at 3 trends happening in NSW (Australia) right now! These trends are set to impact on our overall experience of the city, but also on us as built environment professionals. After starting PlannerTech in 2013, this will be...
Mar 27, 2015 | Planner Tech, Social Media, Startup, Urban Trends
Last week I was invited by the Planning Institute of Australia to participate in my first webinar – Emerging Trends in Planner Technologies. I was joined by Julia Hardiman, Digital Urban Designer at Waverley Council who provided great insight into the practical...
Oct 29, 2013 | Architecture, Collaborative Consumption, Creative Cities, Economic Development, Events, Festivals, Photography, Photos, Social Media, Startup, Sustainability, Tactical Urbanism, Urban Agriculture, Urban Planning, Urban Trends, Video
On Sunday 27 October 2013 a group of passionate locals made Clovelly Road greener, safer and more human. The Road was temporarily changed by adding trees, tables, chairs, art, and music, encouraging the community to re-imagine the street the way they would want it....
Sep 11, 2013 | Smart Phone, Social Media, Startup, Urban Planning
My latest article in New Planner magazine looking at the Blockbrief App. See article below and more information about New Planner here:
Jun 30, 2013 | Architecture, Creative Cities, Economic Development, Startup, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
In March, I wrote an article for PIA New Planner magazine and looked at 6 urban apps to add to your digital library. These apps included Blockbrief, Monocle and the Sydney Foodtrucks app. As we move closer to an ever connected world, based on smarter cities and...
May 23, 2013 | Architecture, Collaborative Consumption, Creative Cities, Economic Development, Events, Photography, Popup, Startup, Sustainability, Tactical Urbanism, Urban Agriculture, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
Like Idea Bombing Sydney on Facebook or follow on Twitter. Download the idea bombs here Idea Bombing Sydney Infographic #1 Last month I wrote about a new event I was co-organsing with the awesome Melinda Garcia. And last week we delivered. Idea Bombing Sydney was a...