Oct 8, 2015 | Creative Cities, Photography, Photos, Planner Tech, Smart Phone, Social Media
Over the past few years, I’ve spoken about the value of instagram, the inspiration gained from its creative community and using it as a [new] tool for communication. I’m a big fan and was honoured when asked by Time Out Sydney to join other local...
Sep 29, 2014 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Smart Phone, Social Media, Tactical Urbanism, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
Last week I attended the PIA QLD Conference on the Gold Coast and presented a talk titled ‘The City as a GIF: Where Every Second Counts’. In so many places around the world, there’s a growing convergence of digital tech in physical space. It’s...
Mar 18, 2014 | Smart Phone, Social Media, Urban Planning
Yesterday I presentated at the Planning Institute of Australia’s National Congress in Sydney. I talked about Apps and their relevance to Urban Planning. I focused on 5 key areas to think about when developing an App and then launched one myself – the JOC...
Mar 6, 2014 | Smart Phone, Social Media, Urban Planning
My latest article for New Planner looks at 5 digital engagement trends happening in Australia and across the globe. The future of online engagement is mobile, appified and interactive. This aside, it’s also going to be something the clunky systems of the past have...
Sep 11, 2013 | Smart Phone, Social Media, Startup, Urban Planning
My latest article in New Planner magazine looking at the Blockbrief App. See article below and more information about New Planner here:
Feb 22, 2013 | Smart Phone, Social Media, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
As a freelancer I’m always ‘hotspotting’. On a daily basis I’ll go searching for wifi networks and as a creature of habit, will often re-visit my favourite tech friendly cafes, parks, libraries or pubs. It’s a daily reminder of modern survival. I need my next fix,...