Jan 22, 2018 | Creative Cities, place making, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
We delivered our first international place making workshop last week and it was a blast! JOC Consulting was invited by Conclave Wijaya and Ruang Arsitektur to speak and facilitate a workshop at CITY TALKS*. Our Director, John O’Callaghan, presented a short...
Oct 16, 2017 | Economic Development, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
In September 2016, a powerful storm caused major blackouts across South Australia and got many people interested in the security of Australia’s electricity supply. Following these events a major Australian company tapped JOC Consulting on the shoulder and...
Aug 17, 2017 | Community Engagement, Creative Cities, Uncategorized
The Council of the City of Sydney (The City) recognises the “life and colour buskers bring to the local area, from playing music, singing and dancing to all sorts of performances that entertain the public”. In supporting the busking culture and ensuring the safety of...
May 6, 2014 | Creative Cities, Urban Planning
Last week I facilitated an Inspiration Workshop for Warringah Council aimed at building on the current interest in place making and inspiring a more collaborative and creative approach to Council process. The Workshop incorporated community input from the Creative...