Jun 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
JOC Consulting is excited to be working with Hornsby Shire Council on getting the community involved in developing a values-driven and evidence-based Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). Council is currently preparing the LSPS that will outline the future vision...
Aug 17, 2017 | Community Engagement, Creative Cities, Uncategorized
The Council of the City of Sydney (The City) recognises the “life and colour buskers bring to the local area, from playing music, singing and dancing to all sorts of performances that entertain the public”. In supporting the busking culture and ensuring the safety of...
Jun 22, 2016 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Planner Tech, Uncategorized, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
John was recently invited to speak at the pop up CBA Innovation Lab in Melbourne. He was asked to discuss how we can create smarter regions and highlighted case studies, looking at cities and businesses, that were optimising technology to improve their operations and...
Jun 9, 2016 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Planner Tech, Uncategorized, Urban Planning
My latest article for the Planning Institute of Australia’s New Planner magazine looking at Australia’s newest Smart City – Lake Macquarie. Extract – “The ‘Lake Mac Smart City, Smart Council Digital Economy Strategy’ delivers a bottom up...
Dec 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
Last week I gave a talk on Urban Planning and Social Media at the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Young Professionals Network Forum. “In 2013, Australians were one of the highest users per capita of smartphones in the world. We’re more connected than...