Dec 2, 2016 | Economic Development, Planner Tech, Social Media, Startup, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
The latest PlannerTech column looks at 3 trends happening in NSW (Australia) right now! These trends are set to impact on our overall experience of the city, but also on us as built environment professionals. After starting PlannerTech in 2013, this will be...
Sep 5, 2016 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Planner Tech, Social Media, Sustainability, Urban Planning
Over the past few weeks, JOC Consulting has been working with David Lock Associates and Cred Consulting on a new Smart City Strategy for Newcastle (NSW). Newcastle City Council has commissioned the Strategy to investigate ways in which the region, and city, can be...
Jun 22, 2016 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Planner Tech, Uncategorized, Urban Planning, Urban Trends
John was recently invited to speak at the pop up CBA Innovation Lab in Melbourne. He was asked to discuss how we can create smarter regions and highlighted case studies, looking at cities and businesses, that were optimising technology to improve their operations and...
Jun 9, 2016 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Planner Tech, Uncategorized, Urban Planning
My latest article for the Planning Institute of Australia’s New Planner magazine looking at Australia’s newest Smart City – Lake Macquarie. Extract – “The ‘Lake Mac Smart City, Smart Council Digital Economy Strategy’ delivers a bottom up...
Jun 27, 2015 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Planner Tech, Social Media, Sustainability, Urban Planning
I’m excited to be working with Lake Macquarie City Council on their soon-to-be released Digital Economy Strategy. The Strategy focuses on making Lake Macquarie “a more connected and sustainable City through the increased use of digital technology”....