Mar 18, 2018 | Community Engagement, Urban Planning
The City of Sydney is reviewing the rules that control trading hours and areas for businesses opening at night in Sydney. To assist with this review, Council commissioned JOC Consulting, Cred and Micromex to deliver an Engagement Strategy across the LGA. Services have...
Mar 12, 2017 | Urban Planning
Did you know that if something should happen to our ports, Sydney is 9 meals away from starvation? Or that we’re twice as intolerant as Melbourne despite 36% of our population being born overseas? These are just some of the research findingsĀ being analysed and...
Mar 27, 2014 | Urban Planning
Last week I gave three presentations at the Planning Institute of Australia’s National Congress. It was a great few days with some interesting insights and key takeaways focused on innovative planning practice. The diversity of delegates, and discussions that...
Mar 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
The Idea Bombing Sydney website was launched today and features an about us page, details on past and upcoming events, news and something we’re very excited about, a page dedicated to our Idea Bombing alumni! Visit the site here and keep up to date with the...
Feb 11, 2014 | Architecture, Urban Planning
I was recently asked to write a short article on Idea Bombing Sydney for the summer edition of the Architecture Bulletin, and here it is… Ideas in unexpected places New ideas are at the heart of a prosperous and dynamic city. When we think about our favourite...