Jan 17, 2018 | Collaborative Consumption, Community Engagement, place making, Urban Planning
Starting off 2018, JOC Consulting was asked to facilitate an internal workshop with Cumberland Council’s Culture and Activation team. The workshop presented theory on place activation and its relationship to engagement. We shared insights from recently completed...
Jul 20, 2017 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Urban Planning
Working on the Wingham Place Making Project has been one of the biggest highlights of 2017 so far. With a proactive Chamber of Commerce backed by strong leadership from Council and many passionate locals, we really couldn’t have gotten any luckier! At JOC we...
Jul 7, 2017 | Community Engagement, Creative Cities, Economic Development
Our Director, John O’Callaghan, was recently invited to Chair the Western Sydney Making Spaces Initiative Assessment Panel for Create NSW. The Making Spaces Initiative will provide funding (up to $60,000) to enable professional artists and arts organisations to create...
Apr 29, 2017 | Community Engagement
How much do we actually know about youth culture? Or what they want and need when we design their places and build their communities? JOC Consulting has been commissioned by Lendlease to develop a Youth Engagement Toolbox that identifies what youth want and value,...
Jan 30, 2015 | Urban Planning
Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a Community Development Strategy (CDS) for Macarthur Heights, a new development 60km from the Sydney CBD. The project was commissioned by UrbanGrowth NSW (Landcom) in partnership with UWS Campbelltown and focuses on...