Working on the Wingham Place Making Project has been one of the biggest highlights of 2017 so far. With a proactive Chamber of Commerce backed by strong leadership from Council and many passionate locals, we really couldn’t have gotten any luckier! At JOC we recognised early on that this would be one of those special projects and it hasn’t disappointed.
In April 2017, JOC Consulting was commissioned by MidCoast Council to deliver the Future Towns Program for Wingham referred to as the Wingham Place Making Project (Activation). The project has delivered a set of physical and program based initiatives to help make the town more active and vibrant. As part of our role, we delivered a strategy and action list with more than 200 ideas collected from extensive community, school and business engagement.
Initiatives delivered (and ongoing) have included new timber seating (hand carved by local Nigel Brown), planter boxes for the main street (made by a local collective of volunteers led by Kev’s Handyman Service), a community movie night, 20 x heritage markers across the town, local tours (including the successful Lantern Tour pictured above), art classes, busking and various business improvement opportunities.
If you’re interested in finding out more about our Wingham project please get in touch via social media or email John > <
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