Planning for Creative Industries | GSC

JOC Consulting recently provided advice to the Greater Sydney Commission (Central District) regarding planning considerations for the creative industries. The GSC asked for an overview of current legislation affecting the creative industries and recommendations as it...

QLD Young Planners Forum

At the recent Young Planners Forum, as part of PIA’s QLD Conference on the Gold Coast, I presented a short talk on ideas to inspire Town Planners and asked participants to answer the question – what does a city chock-full of planning entrepreneurs look, feel and even...

Designing Better Cities Through Virtual Reality

My latest article for PIA New Planner magazine and interview with Anton Andreacchio, Managing Director of Convergen… “The application of computer-generated simulations in urban design can enable collaborative problem solving between and within project...
PIA Congress 2014

PIA Congress 2014

Last week I gave three presentations at the Planning Institute of Australia’s National Congress. It was a great few days with some interesting insights and key takeaways focused on innovative planning practice. The diversity of delegates, and discussions that...