Metro Wollongong Precinct Study

Metro Wollongong Precinct Study

JOC Consulting was commissioned by the Department of Planning and Environment to deliver the Metro Wollongong Precinct Study. The purpose of the independent study was to provide a framework for collaborative action. It is an invitation for key stakeholders to work...
Northern Beaches Arts & Creativity Strategy

Northern Beaches Arts & Creativity Strategy

JOC Consulting has been commissioned to assist with the development of a new Arts and Creativity Strategy for Northern Beaches Council. The Arts and Creativity Strategy will build on existing initiatives and policy directions from each of the former Councils prior to...
Late-night Trading in Sydney

Late-night Trading in Sydney

The City of Sydney is reviewing the rules that control trading hours and areas for businesses opening at night in Sydney. To assist with this review, Council commissioned JOC Consulting, Cred and Micromex to deliver an Engagement Strategy across the LGA. Services have...
Resilient Sydney Stakeholder Workshops

Resilient Sydney Stakeholder Workshops

Did you know that if something should happen to our ports, Sydney is 9 meals away from starvation? Or that we’re twice as intolerant as Melbourne despite 36% of our population being born overseas? These are just some of the research findings being analysed and...