Jan 17, 2018 | Collaborative Consumption, Community Engagement, place making, Urban Planning
Starting off 2018, JOC Consulting was asked to facilitate an internal workshop with Cumberland Council’s Culture and Activation team. The workshop presented theory on place activation and its relationship to engagement. We shared insights from recently completed...
Jul 20, 2017 | Creative Cities, Economic Development, Urban Planning
Working on the Wingham Place Making Project has been one of the biggest highlights of 2017 so far. With a proactive Chamber of Commerce backed by strong leadership from Council and many passionate locals, we really couldn’t have gotten any luckier! At JOC we...
Dec 10, 2015 | Urban Planning
With another big year coming to an end, thanks to everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of working with and to those people that continue to inspire the work of JOC Consulting. If you’re interested in anything you see in the above graphic please get in touch via...
Dec 16, 2014 | Urban Planning
With another big year coming to an end, thanks to everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of working with and to those people that continue to inspire me. If you’re interested in anything you see in the below graphic please get in touch. I’m usually just a tweet...
Aug 14, 2012 | Collaborative Consumption
Where is your food from? How far has it travelled? How healthy is it? In 2011, the guys at the Youth Food Movement were motivated to explore these concept and established a community that was, and continues to be, focused on smart food choices that support a healthy...