Sydney Metro Place Activation

JOC Consulting, in partnership with RobertsDay and The Space Agency, has been commissioned by Sydney Metro and Landcom to develop the Sydney Metro Northwest Interim Activation Framework and Strategy. The project will focus on delivering short term, temporary...
JOC Year in Review | 2015

JOC Year in Review | 2015

With another big year coming to an end, thanks to everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of working with and to those people that continue to inspire the work of JOC Consulting. If you’re interested in anything you see in the above graphic please get in touch via...
JOC Urban Photography

JOC Urban Photography

It’s happening! JOC will be officially taking commissions for urban photography. Last year I had the pleasure of working with various clients, including UrbanGrowth NSW, Hill PDA and Seasonal Supplies, and delivering a photographic portfolio based on people and...