This has to be the best photo of the week!
The ‘bombers’ – Cloth Fabric a local business nearby – have definitely had some fun here. Thanks to @sydneyflaneur for capturing this act of tactical urbanism in Darlinghurst, Sydney. What are your thoughts?
I think its tacky and really uncecessary – what does it add to the enviornment and the buitl environment apart from being gross and an inconevneince for others to have to clean up and remove. Its crochet vandalism.
Thanks for your comment Aaron. You have highlighted a great point i.e. maintenance and ongoing management costs for these spaces. But I guess for me, what this ‘yarn bombing’ shows is a local’s commitment and ownership of place that hopefully translates into a space managed not just by Council but by everyone.
Mmmm valid point. I suppose if someone takes collective ownership for something that they have interest in/ a part in maintaining and contributing to then they will look out for/ after it. The recent example in the media of the elderly woman who built a garden in an urban space and has maintained it for goodness knows how many years and its beauty has been enjoyed by everyone – however the State Govt now wants to do track work or extend the railway in that precinct and her garden is in the way – the Govt want it removed and the community wants it to stay – although its illegal and no permit or owenership of the land belongs to the elderly gardener – the community has expressed thier collective will that it is thiers to enjoy and hers to work on/with! ….. interesting to watch how this situation unfolds! … and thanks!